Saturday, November 5, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 3, 4 and 5

Well, everything is going according to plan. I have been typing away at my novel, eating up words. It is now 7,402 words long. A little under the parr but not too bad if I do say so myself. The NaNoWriMo stats say I have to write 1,600 words each day to reach my goal of 50,000 by 30th November but every day I get that little bit faster and write just a few more words than expected.

Today, day 5, was my first writer's group meeting. We met at the library of our local university and sat in a great typing circle. There wasn't a lot of talking, I think everyone was a little nervous, but there was a lot of writing with each of us trying to out type the others. I reached a nice 2,000 words in just under 2 and a half hours.

What about you guys. How long does it take you to reach the daily work target?


  1. On a good day, I can hit 2000 words in an hour or two. That's on the days when I don't try to edit as I write, which is a horrible habit that I have when I'm writing first drafts, and the days when I actually have enough thoughts in my head to keep the flow going. Otherwise, I end up taking a lot of breaks and am lucky to write 500 words.

    Good luck! My username on NaNo is Stinkfist if you want to add me. :)

  2. I've added you as my buddy! And 2000 words an hour is really good. I only wish I could writing that fast!


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