This week Beth Revis is discussing the books she is most grateful for. Doing a post like this one is all you have to do to qualify for the 19-YA-Book Giveaway she had launched. Just tell people about a book you're thankful for, include a link to the contest and the graphic (just as I have done), and you're qualified. To see Beth's original post click here.
I'm most grateful for 'Protector of the small' by Tamora Pierce

This was the first fantasy book I ever read. I still remember the day I found it tucked into a corner of my school library. I could hardly contain my excitement. I had never before realised that there were books in the world about really strong female characters training to be knights, or spies, or Queen's Guards! I didn't know there were wonderful worlds where animals could communicate with people and monsters lurked in the forests. Tamora Pierce's novels are better than any movie could ever be creating stories that can never be reproduced on the big screen.
To this day, almost ten years later, I am still a devoted Tamora fan, rushing out to buy her latest release!
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